Case Study: Music Review Unsigned


Music Review Unsigned

Music Review Unsigned (MRU) is a magazine that caters for unsigned music acts around the globe. Set up in 2006 it has gone from strength to strength and is more popular than ever before. Run by ex BCFE student Trevor Halpin he talks exclusively about how BCFE helped him in perfecting MRU.

Trevor started to tell me that he set up MRU before he attended BCFE after spotting a gap in the market. As somebody who has been involved in the music industry since he was 15 he spoke about the difficulties of trying to gain press coverage.

‘’I knew how hard it was to get any press coverage for a musician in Ireland, the only publication that was writing about bands was Hot Press, but even they were not covering the unsigned scene, so I seen a gap in the industry and set up MRU to offer a platform for unsigned musicians to get opinions on their work.’’

He added that he was a mature student when he first graced the halls of BCFE.

‘’I took up the journalism course to learn more about the legal and business side of it, I found this very helpful as the modules included in the print media course taught me everything I needed to get started on my magazine.’’

The magazine of course he is referring to is Music Review Unsigned who have recently moved into a print edition catering for unsigned acts with fashion, photos, reviews and much more.

Trevor went on to describe to me that he spent two years at BCFE and he smiled when he talked about the good times he had.

‘’Being involved in the college newspaper would have been the best time for me, getting involved on all levels of the paper and creating something from a blank page and turning into a publication.’’

something he says helped him with the print version of MRU. Trevor commented on the family unit that the college has. He added

‘’everyone from each course is willing to help out no matter what projects you have going on.’’

Trevor spoke highly of the support network in the college saying

‘’the great thing about the college is the one to one support from the lecturers; the students are equally supportive, both for feedback and any help if stuck on tricky assignments.’’

He went onto describe to me how the course helped him structure MRU to become what is visible in the magazine now. Since the course MRU has expanded to more editorial staff and contributors than ever before.

‘’It helped structure MRU, I learned how to put an editorial staff together and manage the contributing staff, MRU is still growing as new projects are opening so many doors for me in the industry’’

Right now MRU are getting a lot of interest from major corporations looking for MRU to work with them on new products. These corporations see MRU as

‘’ great vessel to carry out this and I am thrilled to be part of it.’’ said Trevor.

Trevor explained to me that he hold a vision of success for MRU that he hopes one day it will come true

‘’I feel success for me would be to see MRU magazine on every news stand in the world, not much to ask for, but that would be my opinion on MRU success.’’

When Trevor spoke of the possibility of losing BCFE you could the sadness in the tone of his voice.

‘’I am very saddened to hear about this, so many great artists have come out of the college, it is also great for Ballyfermot, being a disadvantage area it has been key to many local people to gain higher education and reach goals in their lives that would not have been financially possible.’’

He explained that he thinks if BCFE close it will affect the media industry in Ireland as many skilled people come from BCFE.

‘’the courses on offer are at the highest standard. Having such career choices and the courses on offer to help them achieve this is a fantastic opportunity for any student to break into the industry they choose. If there is going to be cutbacks in the college the future is not looking to bright as not many students will be able to afford third level education in the bigger colleges.’’

He then offered some advice to BCFE students and staff to tell them to continue the fight against the cuts that will affect BCFE. He quotes Mahatma Gandhi who gave advice to people in times of struggle

 “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.”

Journalism graduate seeking work. Irish and proud. All views are my own.

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