What is the SOLAS Bill?

SOLAS is a new education committee in Ireland that will see the committee have complete responsibility for the provision of further education and training in Ireland. This means that solas will be responsible for deciding what Further Education  course and training are provided  for Ireland.

A core part of its role will be to ensure the referral of job seekers to appropriate courses which may be delivered by Vocational Education Committees (VEC) or by other, including private, providers. It will provide the funding stream to VEC and those other bodies for the provision of this training.

The bill will also see the dissolution of FAS which looks after job seekers in which solas will now look after and try get them back into education.

How Does This Effect PLC Course’s and Insinuations?

PLC colleges across Ireland are worried that they will have no say over the courses that are delivered in their Further Education Colleges.

Ballyfermot College of Further Education who have been hit badly by education budget cuts already, are fearing the worst for the credibility of the college.

A campaign by staff (Save Ballyfermot College) has been set up to fight against the college loosing its credibility and it’s unique character.

Journalism graduate seeking work. Irish and proud. All views are my own.

Posted in Solas / Fas Nua

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